Tag Archives: The Happiness Project

The Happiness Project, How To Be Organized & De Sena Cross-Train Workout

It’s a HUMP day!

Hump day


I say, what can be better than starting a day with a giggle or two?! That’s right.

I’ve been in a very good mood this week, despite the busyness at work. I guess, it’s a spring effect. The sun has been shining brightly for the past 2 days, and today should be the warmest day of the year so far! And you know what happens when it gets warmer…

spring harvestSourceĀ 

No, please, don’t get scared away! I don’t have any spring harvesting to do, I simply couldn’t resist putting this picture up. Haha!

By the way, did you have theĀ chance to prank someone yesterday? My colleagues decided to fill up the office of one of my coworkers with 4 big bags of balloons. Can you imagine? Such a brilliant idea!!! It put a big smile on his face.

April Fool's

To top it all off, I started reading a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I kept on seeing good reviews for a while, and decided to give it a try.

The happiness project

The timing couldn’t be better, the author pursued a different set of resolutions each month in order to amplify the happiness in her life. So as you can imagine, the chapters are organized by month. Not that you have to follow it, but I decided why not? Extra happiness is always welcome in MY life. *You might remember one of my previous posts that looked into the benefits of laughter and why you should laugh more. If you missed it by any chance, you can read it here.*



The first chapter is focused on how to boost energy in our lives. The solution is actually pretty straight forward:

  • Go to sleep earlier. *Read more on how to sleep better here*
  • Exercise better: All it takes is to get moving.
  • Toss, restore, organize: my biggest challenge!
  • Tackle nagging task: We all know how great it feels when one of those gets done.
  • Act more energetic: Sometimes we need to work on getting more energy, even if it starts by acting energetic.

Personally, I could improve on all of them. Thus, it wouldn’t hurt to try this Happiness Project out! I’ll try to review each chapter and a new set of resolutions *I prefer to call them goals though* at the beginning of each month. So feel free to join in!

Since organizing is one of my biggest challenges *mostly because of my laziness haha!*, I looked online for some help *as always*. Look what I found!!!


Isn’t it neat?!

My workout for today is as follows.

De Sena (cross-train)

Jump-rope for 10 minutes.
Repeat this cycle twice:
– 15 walking lunges on each leg
– 15 push-ups
– 15 stone deadlifts
– Belly crawl 10 yards
– 10 stone squat chest-pass


Warm up 2 miles with heart rate in zone 2;
Run 4 miles with heart rate in zone 4;
Cool down 2 miles with heart rate in zone 2.

you can do it


How did your April Fool’s go? Did you prank someone or got pranked? What are your thoughts on the Happiness Project?



Filed under Fitness, Health, Motivation, The Happiness Project