Trip Recap: Paris Is Always A Good Idea (Part 2) + ElectroDash Promo Code

Good morning, lovies!

How did your Canada Day go? I’ve heard many of you had some great plans and workouts to celebrate. I wanna know every single little detail! *HA!*

Before I carry on with the recap of my trip to Paris (see Part 1 here), I’d like to save a few bucks for my fellow Canadians. Last night I finally registered for ElectroDash, the 5 km dance party, on August 29. I’ve been obsessed with this race ever since I saw it on last season of Bachelor. That night my hubby and I solemnly swore to each other that if ever we get a chance we’ll participate in it. *So dramatic, eh?*  

Since yesterday was Canada Day, organizers decided to throw in a promotion to celebrate the occasion. If you register before midnight on July 2 and enter a promo code CANADADAY1867, you’ll save 18.67%. *To those who wonder why the number is so strange, Confederation occurred in 1867. Now it all makes sense, doesn’t it? Haha!* Honestly, I CAN’T WAIT!!!

On a side note, a portion of the proceeds from ElectroDash Montreal benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I know quite a few people who, unfortunately, were affected by this terrible decease, and I’m glad that my participation can make a difference, no matter how small it is.

Back to Paris…

As you may remember, I frooooooooze on the first day there. So when the second day came around, I didn’t care about fashion: I put my running shoes with a big smile on. All I cared about is being warm!

Notre Dame, Paris

*How cute?! Or maybe a fashion disaster? Haha!*

Louvre was first on our to-do list. However, once we got there, we saw a huge line up. We decided to instead explore the city since we had until 3 pm before having to head back to the airport to fly to Ukraine. Nevertheless, Louvre was beautiful on the outside too! *Haha!*


My brother had a chance to go back there when I had to return to Canada. This is, hands down, the best picture someone ever took next to Mona Lisa!!!


*He is GENIUS! Haha!*

Then, we headed to Notre Dame de Paris. On our way there, we enjoyed views of the Seine river and multiple bridges stretched over it.


When we came to the cathedral, I was BLOWN AWAY! Notre-Dame was so much more than I’d ever imagined! Every single statue and detail of the exterior is different. It is indeed a spectacular masterpiece with a long history!

Notre Dame de Paris

As my brother and I started getting away from historical landmarks, we dove in into little streets to get a real feel of Paris.


I was amazed how many pink chestnut trees were there! *I mean, I was born in the chestnut tree capital of the world, Kyiv, but they all bloom white there.* 

However, the more I enjoyed Parisian living, the more self conscious I became of my white running shoes… and then my stylish self rebelled, and I went and bought myself a better matching pair of shoes!!! *Hey! They were only 15 euros, it was a steal! Haha!*

shoes swap

*YES! It was that bad! I didn’t care to go in a shady ally just to change them! HAHA!*

Afterwards, I was a happy trooper!

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction when you traveled? How did the first day of Spartan bear crawl challenge go?



Filed under Fitness, Health, Travel

31 responses to “Trip Recap: Paris Is Always A Good Idea (Part 2) + ElectroDash Promo Code

  1. haha – fun trip report. We’ve definitely mis-calculated the weather, or had sandals fail, but generally we end up buying things because it is fun …. though many times when you buy clothes that seem awesome when traveling they aren’t as cool when you get home! 🙂

  2. I”m trying to think of my last major travel wardrobe malfunction, and I’m drawing a blank. I’m sure we’ve needed to buy an umbrella or two. We bought a wine key while in Paris and Alex packed it in his carry on and they confiscated it, which made me sad.
    And seeing all the pics of ND makes me so nostalgic–that is right where we were staying!

  3. This is one of my favorite posts! You’re hilarious!! When do we get to see the new shoes?

    That picture your brother took at the Mona Lisa is amazing!!

  4. That 5k looks like so much fun. I ran my 3 miles plus so ab and arm work in honor of my French-Canadian roots lol =) Loooove the pics of Paris!

  5. Hind

    LOL I likes your first running shoes! I had a wardrobe malfunction on my way to San Francisco too. I froze for the first two nights in my shorts and T-shirt, thinking that it would be as warm as Los Angeles, but it wasn’t even close. It dropped to one degrees at night during the month of April. I ended up leaving my sandals at the hotel room and became best friends with my running shoes for the rest of the trip 😀 xox

  6. I feel like I have a wardrobe malfunction every time I travel! I pack for warm and it’s cold or vice versa. Love the picture your brother took, that’s so cool 🙂

  7. Brilliant photos! I loved Paris so much. People say that it is dirty and the people are rude, but we thought the exact opposite. I want to go back so much.

  8. Those photos are all fantastic, but my absolute favorite is his Mona Lisa shot. 🙂 And I think you look super cute! Definitely no fashion disaster there!

  9. I love all your photos! I’m dying to visit Europe! I hope you have fun at your 5k. I did one similar to that but it was so unorganized and ended up being a huge disaster! I’m sure the people at electrodash are much more organized and you will have a blast! 🙂

  10. I’m just sitting over here extremely jealous that you got to go to Paris! I would freak out if I got to go anywhere in Europe. You definitely look like a cool European girl though – even with the tennis shoes.

  11. I’m loving the pictures, especially the first one of the 2 of you! I had 2 wardrobe malfunctions over the years and both were at disney. Once o got soaked on a water ride and I was wearing jeans and they weighed a ton. I opted to buy shorts in a gift shop and the only ones left in my size were leopard print. I was a sight! The other was a painful shoe problem and ended up buying sandals with Mickey mouse heads on them.

  12. Wow, what perfect pictures!! You’re so adventurous and amazing!! I always love your posts!! XOXO!!

  13. Beautiful photo’s! Sometimes when I travel if I am doing lots of walking I could careless about fashion, I am almost always found wearing running shoes, sadly even a few times in maxi dresses:)

  14. Love your pics! I have flown into Paris a few times but never explored it…its usually a gateway stop for me before I have headed off to other places, I need to fix that soon! I hope to take my nieces there next year for a long weekend if we can get our schedules to all work out! Fingers crossed! Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!

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