Tag Archives: Holidays

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all of my dear family, friends and readers!

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Take one dark night
Without a star.
Add one thin cat
As black as tar.

Turn on a wind
To shriek and moan.
Stir in a ghost
With wail and groan.

Stuff three pumpkins
With witches’ bane.
Top with a slice
Of moon on the wane.

Flavor with bats
And things unseen,
Boil and served chilled

Witches’ Brew by Barbara Bates

PS. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!



Filed under Family

Lazy Friday

Let me tell you something, I had GRAND plans for today! After getting home from work, I was going to pick up dry cleaning, have an intense workout, and maybe even wrapping Christmas gifts… But the truth is, it’s a blizzard outside and all I want to do is to curl up under the blanket and relax! *BUMMER*

This got me thinking. How often do we actually take time to rest and re-energize, especially during the holiday season? There is so much craziness in the air that it’s soooo easy to get caught up in it. Very often we even forget the true meaning behind Christmas!

Anyhow, I decided to treat myself with a lazy evening a.k.a. a guilt-free-no-working-out-day! BOOM! It’s very important to emphasize on the GUILT FREE part because way too often that’s not the case. However, this time around, it’s going to be super easy! Why? Because we are getting our puppy tomorrow! I’ve been waiting for this moment to happen for at least 5 years now!

Here are some ideas for YOUR lazy Friday night.

Lazy Friday Ideas

What do you think? What are you favorite ways to relax?


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Tame Your Appetite This Holiday Season

I haven’t been completely honest with you… I need to confess… I’ve got a PROBLEM!
Every single year I put a HUGE effort to stay in shape throughout the fall-winter. I workout, I pay attention to what I eat, and I consume sweets in moderation… and then… the holidays come… and I SNAP! Somehow eating a piece of cake at a work party, being fine, becomes eating a dessert every other day, which is NOT fine. And a week or two later, I feel like a MONSTER. Am I the only one???

Help! I can't stop eating!!!
Anyhow, regardless of how you feel *just kidding*, I decided to tackle the problem before it actually became a problem! I compiled a list of tips on how to keep your appetite under control and avoid unnecessary overeating. Voila!

Before heading out the door:
  • Have a nice sweaty workout * You can understand it whichever way you want, I think both of the ways are equally effective HAHA!*
  • Sign up for a race to stay motivated, and save some money. *Normally, there is a discount for people who register earlier. And, hey, who doesn’t like deals?!*
  • Stay hydrated *add some lemon or lime to your water to change it up*
  • Have a salad dressed with lemon juice only or a hard-boiled egg right before going to a party
At the party: 
  • Trade soft drinks and juices for  water, and sugary cocktails for red wine or low calorie drinks like gin tonic
  • Choose simpler foods (steak, green beans, baked sweet potatoes)
  • Give preference to protein and fiber to fill you up faster
  • Eat out of smaller plates *FOOL your stomach*
  • Sit next to a slow eater *You can appreciate them for once!*
  • Chew slowly & try to put your fork down after every single bite *TALK and enjoy the company!!! Isn’t it what the holidays are all about anyway?!*
  • Finish your plate before serving more
  • Finish your drink prior to refilling your glass
  • If possible, have drinks out of tall skinny glasses to create the illusion that you’re drinking more *sneaky, sneaky* 
 After the party:
  • Go for a nice workout *see above*
  • Keep treats hidden to avoid temptation
  • Share leftovers with the family and friends *Don’t be greedy!*
What are your thoughts? How do you control yourself? 


Filed under Fitness, Holidays, Motivation

Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution List!

As the holidays are quickly approaching, so is the ‘season’ of setting New Year’s resolutions. Personally, I see it as a good thing and a bad thing. Good – because people tend to see the new year as an opportunity to start fresh, and bad – because they tend to come up with a list of somewhat unattainable and unrealistic goals that are forgotten only after a few weeks.

Think about it, the majority of gym subscriptions happen in the first two weeks of January. There is an overflow of people, not necessary because they really want to work out, but because they feel bad about all the food they ate during holidays. So after a couple of weeks, when the excitement is worn out, anxiety, guilt and disappointment settle in as people fail to keep up with their own expectations. And that SUCKS!

In my opinion, you should set ACHIEVABLE and yet CHALLENGING goals. The problem with shooting for an unrealistic goal is that you may set yourself up for a failure.  It’s so much easier to give up when you see that you’re far from reaching your goal. However, once you set a manageable goal and achieve it, you’re motivated to combat another challenge. Not only it’s a healthy way to go about it, it’s also SUSTAINABLE. Would you agree?

Say NO to New Year's Resolutions

Therefore, this year, I say, DITCH your list of New Year’s resolutions and say YES to a healthy lifestyle. Set realistic but challenging goals every week not to prove something to someone, but to better yourself and to have a great healthy life!

Who is with me? 



Filed under Fitness, Motivation

14 Ways to Make Your December Super Special

I can’t believe that November is almost over! Even though it’s been a pretty cold week in Montreal, I’m still not mentally prepared for winter. Are you in the same boat?

I have noticed that when it gets cold, many people tend to stay indoors and go to coffee shops/restaurants more often. I am certain that you would agree that neither of these options is good on our wallets or health. Also, let’s be honest here, it gets annoying and boring after a while, right?

In order to solve this little problem and to make my December more interesting and exciting, I decided to create a To Do list. There you can find some of budget-friendly activities I planned and fun ideas to spice up your winter… or to simply find an excuse to cuddle with your loved one! What? I’ve heard cuddling is good for your health… I swear! Especially, when you’re curled up under a blanket with a nice glass of wine, with Christmas songs playing in the background, and a Christmas tree with lights shimmering in the room…. Swoon… Oufff! I get carried away easily, eh?!

December To Do List

Without a doubt, just for fun and to make it more interesting for you, I kept a couple of things off the list! I love to keep you guessing! Sneaky? I know! I guess you’ll have to wait a bit!

Meanwhile, I’d like to share a couple of images on how my husband and I bring a Holiday Spirit to our home.

Home Sweet Home Our Xmas tree

Also, I’d love to hear about your plans to spice up the winter. What are your favorite OLD Christmas movies? Do you own an ugly Christmas sweater? Please, don’t be shy and let me know in the comments below! I promise I won’t judge!

Happy Friday!



Filed under To Do List